Independent distribution of world class electrical equipment
Création société 1996
Chiffres d'affaires 18M d'euros
Valeur du stock 5M d'euros
Clients actifs 1000
effectifs 20 collaborateurs
Taux de service 99%
Délai de livraison en 24h
25 pays fournisseurs

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A complete and competitive range of electrical equipment 


An independent distributor of electrical equipment since 1996, Euro-Négoce relies on a network of around a hundred suppliers, spread across nearly 25 international countries. Our self-contained circuit guarantees that when it comes to electrical equipment for our customers, the products are the below :

  • compliant: our products strictly comply with European and international standards
  • competitive: we negotiate the best prices for high standard, warrantied electrical equipment.


The continued availability of our electrical equipment stock allows us to give you a firm and accurate delivery time frame. We process your quotes and honour 24 hour deliveries for equipment that we have in stock.


EURONEGOCE is a solidly structured partner company which relies on BJ Logistics, a modern and efficient logistics platform developed by the BJ Partenaires Group. Our sales representatives are professionals, trained in electrotechnology and able to recommend the best products for you, working with your expectations.


The alternative solution
for your electrical equipment

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